Monday, December 21, 2009

Is Balneum cream good for eczema?

Yes it is.

This cream contains two active ingredients, urea and lauromacrogols.

Urea is a substance that is found naturally in the skin, which by its nature is very attracted to water. People with eczema and psoriasis appear to have decreased amounts of urea in their skin, so applying urea can help replace it. When urea is applied to the skin it penetrates the outer layer, where it readily absorbs and retains water. This increases the capacity of the skin to hold moisture, and the skin therefore becomes rehydrated. This soothes and softens the skin, and reduces the scaling and itching of dry skin conditions such as eczema.

# If symptoms persist despite treatment, seek medical advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

# Avoid use on broken or inflamed skin.

# This preparation is for external use only.|||Hi,

I have been helping a friend get rid of his psoriasis鈥?on his skin, it covers about 2 square feet of his arms and hands.

He has been spraying on 2.5 PH water for about a month now, and it is working. He is also drinking 9.5 PH water. His wife has MS, and is also drinking the 9.5 PH alkaline water, and is doing much better.

You can get free alkaline water - place a wanted add on

Here is a demo video to watch for the eczema cure as seen in Japan. Sorry but the hospitals in the United States and Europe are not this advanced at this time.鈥?/a>

Alergies to food include shellfish, garlic, and others. Stop eating things like cheese, then milk products, then anything brewed (beer, yogurt, breads made with yeast). When it goes away, then you have some idea of what you should stop eating.

Or use the process developed in Japan, and eat what you want to.

Good Luck !|||Hello there. You wouldn%26#039;t know until you try. With eczema what helps one doesn%26#039;t necessarily help another. Horses for courses as they say. For me personally the herbal cream/spray combo from works better than anything else. Good stuff to check out. And it comes with money back guarantee, so if it doesn%26#039;t work for you - it%26#039;s free.


Bernadette|||i got all u need to know about eczema here鈥?/a>

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