Monday, December 21, 2009

My 5 yr old daughter has eczema on her hands and the doctor gave me cream to put on them?

but they are so dry is there anything i can use to put on them for the dryness i have hand lotion but she says it stings when i put the lotion on them|||The best thing is also the cheapest. Unperfumed sorbalene cream. Most moisturisers are derived from sorbalene anyway. For the record try oatmeal baths, they are exellent relief for eczema.

Chris- Registered Nurse|||You can try cetaphil lotion or cream. It is the only thing that doesn%26#039;t aggravate my eczema. It is made by a company called Galderma and sold otc at most chain stores (target, walmart, Walgreen%26#039;s, costco, etc). Hope this helps and that your daughter%26#039;s hands heal quickly. Good luck!|||I suffer badly with eczema too! The best cream is Aqueous which is water based and shouldn%26#039;t sting, and sudocream is really soothing too. If worse comes to worse and you get get her to keep the cream on her hands, fill a bowl with warm water and as much baby oil (non scented) as you can and let her play in it so it covers her hands,this should repair at least some of the crack so that eventually it will tolerate cream. Good luck x|||you need a medicated lotion without any scents, the scent is prob what is irritating her skin and ultimately making her skin more ittitated, and then it stings. i also have this and i use Eucerin calming cream, no scents and it is thick so that it covers really well. Hope this helps!!|||when I had eczema, Eucerin lotion worked the best. It comes in a white tub. It is fairly expensive ($15 or so), but a little goes a long way. Walmart has a generic for about $5 for the tub. It%26#039;s not quite as good, but still is unscented

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