Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My daughter has very bad eczema on the back of her legs, ive tries all sorts of creams, can someone recommen s

Hi Jamil

Here is a herb remedy that will work.

1. Take 1-3 droppersful of Echinacea Plus Tincture (at or another qualified site) to strengthen the immune system.

2. Rub Garlic oil ALL over the affected area (Garlic will kill anything if you use enough of it)

3. Give 1-3 glasses of Activated Charcoal Slurry per day (to absorb the toxins out of the blood)

4. Mix equal parts of Aloe Vera Gel, Slippery Elm Powder and Activated Charcoal Powder together (absorbs the toxins externally)

5. Apply a thin layer of this mixture over the AFFECTED area(s).

6. Continue this treatment, until the desired Results are achieved.

This is healing at it's highest point.


Eczema is often called Dermatitis, and may be a symptom of an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Eczema can be due to allergies, allergies secondary to digestive disorders such as hydrochloric acid deficiency, rashes secondary to immune diseases, genetic metabolic disorders, and/or nutritional deficiencies, especially of niacin (vitamin B3) and B6, as well as other B vitamins.

To minimize your risk of developing eczema, avoid irritating substances, wear natural nonirritating materials, use soothing ointments, and check to see if dietary, nutritional, and/or and allergy-causing factors need to be considered.

Other ideas that will help:

Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations can help speed healing: black currant and red grapes; carrot, beet, spinach, cucumber, and parsley; and wheat grass juice.

Nutritional Supplementation: Vitamin A and GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), an omega-6 essential fatty acid found in high quantities in evening primrose oil, have both been shown to improve the symptoms of eczema. Vitamin E. Other useful supplements for preventing and reversing eczema include vitamin B complex, vitamin B6, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc.

Topical Treatment: Apply evening primrose oil directly to cracked and sore areas of the skin. A topical paste made from ginkgo and licorice root extract has also been shown to improve eczema symptoms.

Best of health to youMy daughter has very bad eczema on the back of her legs, ive tries all sorts of creams, can someone recommen s
elidel (its a perscription)

i hope it helps if you havent already tried itMy daughter has very bad eczema on the back of her legs, ive tries all sorts of creams, can someone recommen s
I had that over 75% of my body when I was a kid- there was no cream on the market that made it go away- essentially my doctor told me I would just have to live with it. Years later, I met a doctor who told me I was allergic to something I was eating and that it was making my skin react. I booked an appt with her and through a whole bunch of food allergy testing, I discovered that I had a reaction to potatoes, wheat and selected dairy products. I stopped eating the things that irratated me and it all went away. I can eat them all now sparingly and sometimes have a very very mild reaction but not very often. I was told that most peoples skin problems are a result of diet- basically taking in something your body doesn't like. Generally people think a food allergy has to result in a life threatening situation so they don't take it into consideration. Hope this helps in some way!
dairy products are the worst cause of eczema in children. cut these out of diet for a month and you should see an improvement.
try good old fashion oatmeal mix it just as package recommends and as it starts to cool to room temp rub it on ,its low cost and no doc. required leave on for about 10 min it take the itch out and puts alot of moisture in and you can apply it as many times as you like in a day .
Go and see your doc...ask for Fucibet 1% it takes out the redness reduces itching and is oily so gives a protective coating failing that try Bio oil from your local chemist it's good stuff and prevents scaring.

If she had weeping excema you really need to see your doc and ask him to show you how to wet wrap(time consuming but works wonders)
Vaseline! The best moisturizer EVER
I get it bad. I use betnovate 4 in 1.

I suspect an undiagnosed food allergy, likely wheat, soy, eggs, dairy or nuts. Does it get worse within 36 hours of her consuming any of these foods? If she eats them daily, like bread, it will cause an ongoing problem that wont resolve until the toxin is eliminated. When we took my niece off of wheat and soy, her eczema cleared right up
I've had breakouts all my life. :-(

Now I'm 25 and I get small patches here and there, the worst was when I was in my teens.

I use Eucerin cream (I now buy the Walmart version which is like $3!) Really good after a shower/bath before bed. I put it on, (sometimes I don't even blend in), and the next morning my skin is so soft and hydrated.

Sarna Lotion is really good for the itch. They sell it at drugstores in the medicated lotion/first aid aisle. I would reserve this for nighttime since the smell if very strong (smells like halls cough drops!)

Betamethasone is great too. They have generic Walmart or Target creams or ointments that contain this as an active ingredient.

My son has had eczema on his legs since he was born, he'll be two next month.

It doesn't give him any discomfort it just looks like it does.

When bathing him afterwards I put vaseline on his legs.
I can feel for your daughter. Sometimes I break out with eczema sometimes. Try something that has shea butter in it. I have use aveeno and so far I have been find. If nothing else works, maybe take her to the doctor and the doctor might give her some medicated lotions to use.
Eucerin is a good lotion, and it doesn't have irritating scents and oils. If not, Hydrocortizone cream. It's medicated cream.
Hve u tried starflower oil? You can get if from herbalists, my cousin uses it and swears by it.
You would be crazy not to use Repcillin, it can be found in Yahoo Stores or on eBay. It will help the eczema, read the Blog link below and tell me what you think?

You can buy it in the USA from but visit to read more

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