Monday, December 21, 2009

Eczema/Really dry skin relief without cream?

I hate cream, I refuse to use cream!! ARGH! Die cream!!

What else can I do? Thanks =]|||t%26#039;s time to know that even if there is no cure for eczema yet you can prevent it from flaring up by taking steps and knowing what should be avoided.

- avoid perfumed skin care and body care products

- avoid extreme hot and cold weather conditions

- avoid keeping fingernails long

- avoid scratching the affected area

- avoid long baths

- avoid processed foods and foods with preservatives

- avoid skin irritants and allergens like dusts and pollens

- avoid clothes and material that are rough, course, scratchy and tight

- avoid activities that can make you sweat

- avoid smoking and alcohol

- avoid too much exposure to extreme hot and cold weather

what will be helpful is the use of an all natural skin care treatment for eczema. try to be gentle with your skin. visit for more tips on how to rejuvenate skin.|||start taking zinc supplements,lots of skin conditions are due to a lack of zinc.also drink more water and not soda,fruit juices etc.

avoid any fast food restaurant like the plague,they are in business

to make monies and could care less what that pig slop does to ur health.|||you could always use a bit of olive oil i used to do that when i couldnt stand putting on more cream lol x

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