Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hair moisturizer/cream for someone with eczema?

I have a shampoo and conditioner I%26#039;m trying already, but what does someone with eczema rub on their hair after washing?

I need a basic styling product to restore moisture, but it can%26#039;t have a bunch of fragrance or synthetic chemicals that will irritate a sensitive scalp.

Any suggestions? (I have African-American relaxed hair)|||I cant give you exact brands because I live in Australia and we obviously have different products, but I know that over here a lot of health food/organic stores stock fragrance-free products for sensitive skin. There are some brands here that make fragrance free/paraben free/sulfate free conditioner (eg Alchemy) which you could probably use a small amount of after washing to smooth your hair. Specific styling products may be a little pricey though, I%26#039;m not sure.

Hope this helped a bit!

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