Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eczema creams or regimens???

my son 23months has eczema very bad and I have tried all the creams doesn't seem to be helpin him!! He gets it really bad around his eyes and mouth as well as on his tummy and back and on his legs . some one please help!!Eczema creams or regimens???
My son (13 months) suffers from eczema as well. I use a combination of Aquaphor and cortisone extra strength cream (doctor recommended and both found at your local pharmacy). It really helps! The Aquaphor moisturizes and the cortisone helps heal while stopping the itch that causes him to scratch. Try to keep the area on his body lightly covered with a long sleeve T-shirts and sleep pants. This will allow the stuff to work and it will prevent him from scratching the area. Good Luck!Eczema creams or regimens???
Ahh I totally feel your pain. My 3 year old son has had eczema since he was 6 gets SO bad. He was on Eledel cream and it worked but we soon found out that the cream had been linked to cancer in the blood stream. Nothing else seems to work..when it gets really bad I put benadryl cream on him right after his bath and then 'lock' the cream in with vaseline..then I put long pants and sleeves on him...You may want to take your son to an allergist...Good luck!
talk to an allergist my daughter has it mild and they put her on corticosteroid ( forgot which one) but I hope they have already done that for him. It might be something else than eczema have they ran blood tests to rule out any other '; problems'; If not you might want to see an allergy person to get the latest info. and to get him to run all the tests possible.
i used a cream called Eucerin. You can get it over the counter at any drug store and it works very well. You can continueto use it even when there is no eczema. Another thing to use is Aveeno products as well. Dove soap is good to use because it helps keep the moisture in the skin. Stay consistent with your product usage and you may have to switch or use mild soap to wash his clothes in

hope this helps
try the oatmeal bath and they sell oils and creams for eczema here is a good product
Have you tried Elica Cream (Shering Plough)?

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